Obituary of Victor Manuel Rodriguez Flores
It is with great sadness that the family of Victor Manuel Rodriguez Flores announce his passing. He passed away in his sleep, surrounded endless love and support from his family at Baycrest Hospital, Toronto. Predeceased by his loving wife Martha Rodriguez Alas and son Eduardo Rodriguez Alas. Survived by his daughter, Maria Rodriguez Alas; sons, Victor Rodriguez Jr., Rolando Rodriguez, Alexandro Rodriguez; grandchildren, Ricardo Diego Garcia, Gabriela Caridad Garcia, Mariella Soledad Garcia; And the Rodriguez Family.
Throughout Victors life he was the pillar of the family, he did everything he could for his whole family. His smile reached many and his laugh was contagious, his friends and family will forever hold this memory of him close to their hearts. He was a hardworking man; his values and morals will be carried on by his family and friends who loved him dearly.
Victor was a beacon of strength and compassion, the love for his family had no boundaries, as he did everything for his family and held them together like glue. His kind heart and sense of humour will be happily remembered by everyone that he knew. Victor was a special man and made an impact on many people's lives with his selfless acts of kindness. His grandchildren will continue to follow in his lead of being a strong and independent person and carry his values of life and family with them throughout their lives. The Rodriguez family has gained another angel to watch over them and protect them throughout their lives.
Below is his favourite prayer in both Spanish and English.
Señor, Dios nuestro,
tu nos has elegido
paras ser tus santos
y tus predilectos.
Revístenos de sentimientos
de misericordia
de bondad, de humildad,
de dulzura, de paciencia.
Ayúdanos a comprendernos mutuamente cuando tenemos algún motivo de queja
lo mismo que tú Señor,
nos has perdonado.
Sobre todo, danos esa caridad,
que es vínculo de perfección.
Que la paz de Cristo
brille en nuestros corazones.
Esa paz que debe reinar
en la unidad de
tu cuerpo místico.
Que todo cuando hagamos
en palabras o en obras
sea en nombre del Señor Jesús
por quien sean dadas las gracias
a ti Dios Padre y Señor Nuestro
Lord our God,
you have chosen us
to be your saints
and your favorites.
Cover us with feelings
of mercy
of kindness, of humility,
of sweetness, of patience.
Help us understand each other when we have a complaint
the same as you Lord,
you have forgiven us.
Above all, give us that charity,
which is the bond of perfection.
May the peace of Christ
shine in our hearts.
That peace that must reign
in the unit of
your mystical body.
That everything when we do
in words or in deeds
be in the name of the Lord Jesus
for whom they are thanked
to you God the Father and Our Lord