Heather de Veber (née McNeil)

Celebration of Life - Heather Frances Evelyn de Veber

Thursday July 29, 2pm Rosedale United Church, 159 Roxborough Drive, Toronto To attend in person: Please RSVP with your name, address, phone number and email (for the purposes of contact tracing only) to Cynthia, the Officer Administrator at Rosedale United Church, at churchoffice@rosedaleunited.org. Masks are required and physical distancing will be observed in the church building. We ask that you include the names of each member of your party. In-person attendance will be limited to 120 persons. To attend on Zoom, click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/99110533939?pwd=TjVVdytjMk91UHlRNVBFMS9BMlg2dz09 The Zoom room will open at 1:30pm.