Tuesday, August 20, 2019
My sincere condolences on Elgin's passing.from a Rykerter (80 Rykert). Elgin was a good friend of my parents, Gord and Norma Ross, who passed in 1979 and 1998 respectively, and who both rested at Humprhreys I last saw Elgin about 15 years ago when I ran into him at Yonge and Eglinton. He was sight challenged and I recall guiding him to a cab. He recollected my parents, of course, and was gracious as usual. A class gentleman! A nice memory to have. At 102 he had a good run, and certainly his was a life well lived.
I remember Don from Scouts and there are a few fellow Leasiders I am still in touch with. I don't live too far away from Lesaside now, and last evening found me on Broadway. I would attend on either the 13th or 14th but am attending an out-of-town wedding at that time. My thoughts are with you all and I know Elgin's life will be well celebrated.
Don Ross