Monday, July 24, 2006
Dear John Tony and Families: I was Jane's roommate at U.N.B. and a bridesmaid at her wedding to Tom. I shall never forget the wonderful hospitality afforded to me by your parents at their homes in Montreal and Toronto. Your father was one of the most charming men I have ever met. When he asked "How are you ?"...he meant it and was never satisfied with just a "Fine, thank-you." He was able to coax all your secrets out of you with a twinkle in his eye and a sincere interest. He took such obvious delight in the accomplishments of his children and extended his warmth to me on many occasions that I will never forget. Being a Maritimer, I was unused to dining late as was the custom in the Stikeman were encouraged to partake of devastating pre-prandial martinis and I don't believe I ever had dinner with the Stikemans in a completely sober state. How lucky you all were to have had him for a memories of him will always linger. Sincere condloences to you all. Heather MacDiarmid Vail